Tighter yet more tractable relaxations and nontrivial instance generation for sparse standard quadratic optimization

The Standard Quadratic optimization Problem (StQP), arguably the simplest among all classes of NP-hard optimization problems, consists of extremizing a quadratic form (the simplest nonlinear polynomial) over the standard simplex (the simplest polytope/compact feasible set). As a problem class, StQPs may be nonconvex with an exponential number of inefficient local solutions. StQPs arise in a … Read more

On Tractable Convex Relaxations of Standard Quadratic Optimization Problems under Sparsity Constraints

Standard quadratic optimization problems (StQPs) provide a versatile modelling tool in various applications. In this paper, we consider StQPs with a hard sparsity constraint, referred to as sparse StQPs. We focus on various tractable convex relaxations of sparse StQPs arising from a mixed-binary quadratic formulation, namely, the linear optimization relaxation given by the reformulation-linearization technique, … Read more

Polyhedral Properties of RLT Relaxations of Nonconvex Quadratic Programs and Their Implications on Exact Relaxations

We study linear programming relaxations of nonconvex quadratic programs given by the reformulation-linearization technique (RLT), referred to as RLT relaxations. We investigate the relations between the polyhedral properties of the feasible regions of a quadratic program and its RLT relaxation. We establish various connections between recession directions, boundedness, and vertices of the two feasible regions. … Read more

On Exact and Inexact RLT and SDP-RLT Relaxations of Quadratic Programs with Box Constraints

Quadratic programs with box constraints involve minimizing a possibly nonconvex quadratic function subject to lower and upper bounds on each variable. This is a well-known NP-hard problem that frequently arises in various applications. We focus on two convex relaxations, namely the RLT (Reformulation-Linearization Technique) relaxation and the SDP-RLT relaxation obtained by adding semidefinite constraints to … Read more

An Alternative Perspective on Copositive and Convex Relaxations of Nonconvex Quadratic Programs

We study convex relaxations of nonconvex quadratic programs. We identify a family of so-called feasibility preserving convex relaxations, which includes the well-known copositive and doubly nonnegative relaxations, with the property that the convex relaxation is feasible if and only if the nonconvex quadratic program is feasible. We observe that each convex relaxation in this family … Read more

Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for the Carrier-Vehicle Traveling Salesman Problem

This paper presents new structural properties for the Carrier-Vehicle Traveling Salesman Problem. The authors provide a new mixed integer second order conic optimization formulation, with associated optimality cuts based on the structural properties, and an Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm. Computational experiments on instances from the literature demonstrate the superiority of the new formulation to … Read more

On Standard Quadratic Programs with Exact and Inexact Doubly Nonnegative Relaxations

The problem of minimizing a (nonconvex) quadratic form over the unit simplex, referred to as a standard quadratic program, admits an exact convex conic formulation over the computationally intractable cone of completely positive matrices. Replacing the intractable cone in this formulation by the larger but tractable cone of doubly nonnegative matrices, i.e., the cone of … Read more

Global Solutions of Nonconvex Standard Quadratic Programs via Mixed Integer Linear Programming Reformulations

A standard quadratic program is an optimization problem that consists of minimizing a (nonconvex) quadratic form over the unit simplex. We focus on reformulating a standard quadratic program as a mixed integer linear programming problem. We propose two alternative mixed integer linear programming formulations. Our first formulation is based on casting a standard quadratic program … Read more

Inner Approximations of Completely Positive Reformulations of Mixed Binary Quadratic Programs: A Unified Analysis

Every quadratic programming problem with a mix of continuous and binary variables can be equivalently reformulated as a completely positive optimization problem, i.e., a linear optimization problem over the convex but computationally intractable cone of completely positive matrices. In this paper, we focus on general inner approximations of the cone of completely positive matrices on … Read more

Rounding on the standard simplex: regular grids for global optimization

Given a point on the standard simplex, we calculate a proximal point on the regular grid which is closest with respect to any norm in a large class, including all $\ell^p$-norms for $p\ge 1$. We show that the minimal $\ell^p$-distance to the regular grid on the standard simplex can exceed one, even for very fine … Read more