Scheduling Bodyguards

Security agencies throughout the world use bodyguards to protect government officials and public figures. In this paper, we consider a two-person zero-sum game between a defender who allocates such bodyguards to protect several targets and an attacker who chooses one target to attack. Because the number of feasible bodyguard allocations grows quickly as either the … Read more

Freight consolidation through carrier collaboration – A cooperative game

Reducing inefficient truck movements, this research investigates the potential of freight consolidation through carrier collaboration. Considering the financial benefits of consolidation and the additional cost arising from collaboration, we propose a cooperative game to explore under which circumstances carriers can collaborate. We show that stable cost allocations are not always possible, affecting stability and thus … Read more

Cooperative locker locations games

More and more people are ordering products online, having their parcels delivered to their homes. This leads to more congestion, which negatively impacts the environment as well as public health and safety. To reduce these negative impacts, carriers can use parcel lockers to consolidate and serve their customers. The implementation of a locker network can, … Read more